Sunday, March 16, 2014

Basing 15mm Saxons

Here I am going to briefly explain how I base my 15mm Saxon minis.

1. First take a few 40x15mm wooden bases. These ones have magnetic strips on the underside to help with storage and transportation.

These are heavy foot bases for Feilds of Glory.
 2. Then grab some willing recruits.

These guys will eventually be a part of a much larger shield wall formation.
3. Work out how you want the minis positioned before you begin sticking them on the bases. You may have noticed that I undercoated the bases brown first.

4. I stick the minis on the bases one at a time. As each mini gets stuck on I fill in the area around his feet with PVA glue. Then I sprinkle dirt onto the PVA and let it set.

The minis are stuck down with super glue before I add the PVA.
5. Once the PVA has dried I go over the whole base with a coat of green.

6. Then I add some dark green and brown to some of the lower areas and a light green to highlight the raised areas. After that's done I add some spiky green grass in little patches for some added effect.

Finally I paint the edges of the bases black, and then I spray the bases and the minis with a clear matt varnish.

I think it's a fairly straight forward process which gives decent results.

Ready to go! Now I just need to paint and base a whole heap more!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saxon Shieldwall 15mm

Saxon shield wall.

You may notice Celts standing among the Saxons. That's because my band of Saxons has Celtic allies fighting along side them.

A Saxon elder stands resting with his sword planted in the ground.

The shield wall. 

Some saxons pose for the camera.
A mail clad frydman urges the men forward.

The Saxon fryd prepares for battle.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saxon Skirmishers 15mm

This guy has the the honour of holding the unit's standard (a golden sea monster thing). So far this mini has been primed with white spray and is now in the process of being painted.
Now that most of the mini has been painted it's time to focus on the standard.

 There he is, painted and based, standing proud and tall amongst his Fryd, golden beastie at the fore.

This mini is a part of the Black Hat miniature range found here: