Friday, August 29, 2014


Warhammer - Dwarf Slayers.

It's a unit of 20, and this is a close up of the front rank. 


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Skaven Doomrocket - 'Rocket Rat'

Mr Rocket Rat with trusty doomrocket at the ready. One of the my little Skaven conversions.
Rocket Rat stands atop of the ruin, ready to launch havoc across the plains. 

  1. The head is from the Stormvermin sprue (it's one of the leader heads).
  2. The body is from the warp fire thrower miniature.
  3. The rocket is 90% warp fire thrower. A stormvermin shield. Some wire and a warhead from a 40k Orks blaster gun thing.
  4. The bits on his belt are made from greenstuff. Apart from the barrel which is from a Dwarf sprue. 

  Below are some pics of the rocket rat in his earlier stages of painting. 

I really enjoyed adding little tools onto his belt.

I think the eye patch is a nice touch.

A lone Saxon stands watch

A lone Saxon stands watch in the woods near his village.